Discover the untold story of Chance Na'Moon, the beloved Elvin character from the Pirate Vixen Series, in this riveting prequel, "Chance's Story." Delve into the early days of Chance's life, beginning with the passionate love story between his mother Cahira and father Finn, two courageous souls who dared to defy convention and embrace a life of adventure together.
Set in the picturesque town of Fallhaven, this epic tale unravels the whirlwind romance of Chance's parents, the birth of their family, and the fateful day when they embark on a parents-only vacation that would change everything. As Chance and his siblings come to terms with the news of their parents being lost at sea, they discover a magical and mysterious event that transforms their lives forever.
But not all is enchanting in Chance's world. The sinister ORCs pose a constant threat, forcing Chance to fight for not only his life but also the safety of his family. Along the way, witness Chance's journey to becoming a formidable warrior and his quest for love with the enchanting redheaded Vixen, Captain Ariella.
Revel in the appearance of familiar faces from the Pirate Vixen Series, including Thurber, Captain Redbeard, a young Captain Ariella, Torgus, and a few other surprise guests. "Chance's Story" is a captivating addition to the series that will leave you eager for more!
This captivating story weaves together heartwarming moments, intense battles, and enchanting mysteries that will leave you spellbound.